domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Homework 5 Segundo parcial

What will I do if I finish the university

If I finish the university, first I will obtain my I title of engineer in computation, also if I finish the university, I will make a great party to have finished my career of engineering in computation, I will get a work although I take a long time in finding it, after finding work, I will begin to study a mastery in programming, after that I will travel for the world to know other countries, their cultures and technologies, and I will create a company in which the technologies of information and communication are innovated with new software.

1 comentario:

  1. Like if you finish college, finish and clear that we will get the titlo of computer engineer, and I hope you invite me to the party I promise that I will not miss, and hopefully find a job soon, so you can study your masters in programming and fulfill your dreams of traveling around the world.
