Homework: Likes and dislikes
My name is Daniel Martinez Monroy and I am 20 years old, I live in San Felipe Coamango, Chapa de Mota, Estado de Mexico, I am tall and handsome and also I am serious, I am studing Computer Engineering in the UAEM Atlacomulco and these are my likes and dislikes.
- I like to use the computer.
- I like play videogames.
- I like eat spaguetti, tacos al pastor and enchiladas
- I like to see television
- I like to see terror movies
- I like to read terror books
- I don't like do homework
- I don't like sports
- I don't like do excercise
- I don't like eat chili
And since it has come to this school if you are wanting to study, and if I've noticed your tastes mostly of computer and video games really, I can not believe is not like homework if you always fulfill with homework.